
All Saints Catholic High School Governing Body

All Saints Catholic High School is part of the St. Clare Catholic Multi Academy Trust which was established by the Bishop of Hallam to safeguard Catholic education in the Diocese. The Trust is governed by a Board of Directors who have overall responsibility and accountability for the Trust, reporting to the Bishop as required.

The Board has delegated authority to act on behalf of the Trust and fulfils a strategic role with its four core functions to:

· determine the vision and values of the Trust consistent with those of the Bishop;

· support leadership in determining and fulfilling the strategic direction of the Trust;

· hold leadership to account and ensure staff well-being; and

· oversee the financial performance of the Trust ensuring there are systems in place to manage risk and ensure money is well spent.


The Directors have established Local Academy Committees to assist them in fulfilling these governance responsibilities and to provide additional support to leadership. Governors serving on All Saints Catholic High School Local Academy Committee are answerable to the Directors and the Bishop. The main functions of the Local Academy Committee are to:

· ensure the Academy meets the needs of its community;

· protect the Academy’s character and distinctiveness;

· support teaching and learning to ensure high quality provision;

· safeguard pupil and staff well-being; and

· ensure the Academy’s resources, including its budget is managed effectively and in line with the Trust’s financial procedures.


The Local Academy Committee is scheduled to meet six times during the current school year and comprises both Parent, Foundation and Co-opted Governors as detailed in the Governing Body Constitution Document below.


The Chair of Governors, Mr C Farragher, and other Governors of All Saints Catholic High School can be contacted via:

Mrs N J Brady
Governance Professional
All Saints Catholic High School
Granville Road
S2 2RJ

0114 2743537

Ignatius Ezeani

Foundation Governor

Sandra Jean Louis

Foundation Governor

Cathy Webster

Foundation Governor

Cathal Farragher

Foundation Governor

Emily Parkin

Foundation Governor

Vincent Green

Foundation Governor

Matthew Richardson

Foundation Governor

Edd Crawley

Parent Governor

Marek Niedzwiedz

Parent Governor

Camilla Sherwin

Parent Governor

Sinead Fox

Co-opted Governor

Nuala McNair

Co-opted Governor

