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A Level Results Day: Thursday 15th August

Results collection 8:30am – 10:00am

GCSE Results Day: Thursday 22nd August

All Saints students, results collection and registration to Sixth Form 10:00 – 11:30

External students Registration to Sixth Form 12:00-2:00


Welcome to All Saints Catholic High School

We are a Catholic community whose mission is to fully prepare our students for the wider world and to send them into it equipped for life and for the service of others.  We come together from diverse backgrounds, united by Christ, by the highest aspirations and by a thirst for excellence to instil in our students a respect for themselves, for others and for their environment.  We take our inspiration for Jesus’ commandment to “love one another”.

Celebrating Excellence

Royal Marines Careers Vist

Royal Marines Careers Vist

Our sixth form students recently have a very inspiring talk from the Royal Marines focused on careers in the Marines and also looking after your health. Some of our students had the opportunity to try on some of the equipment the Marines wear and also heard about what...

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All Saints Dance Show

All Saints Dance Show

Congratulations to all of our students who performed in the annual Dance Show. It was an amazing evening, and you should all be very proud of your performances. Well done! Thank you to the dancers from Pinders Dance School and also Phoenix Youth Academy for performing...

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