At All Saints, we believe that high quality, careers guidance is crucial in helping pupils emerge from our school more fully rounded and ready for the world of work and prepared for life in modern Britain. Students at All Saints are provided with well-informed careers advice and guidance when making subject and career decisions.
Our provision for careers guidance in the Sixth Form includes:
Tutorial (one hour per week)
From February to July in Year 12, sixth form students consider all the Post 18 options (Higher Education / Apprenticeships / Employment / Gap Years) using a range of independent resources and speakers
Leaving the Roost
This is a Year 13 set of tutorial sessions on living away from home (including managing budgets / bills / salaries)
Other careers related activities include:
- Apprenticeship Fair
- Oxbridge Conference
- Higher Education Fair
- University open days
- Careers interviews with Sheffield Futures
- Grant Thornton internship days
- Discover SOAMS / ADOPT / Law / Humanities / STEM course at Sheffield University incorporating careers advice
- University summer schools
- National Citizenship Service
- BIG Challenge
- SVP – Year 12 and Year 13 students volunteering in primary schools, care homes and St Wilfrid’s centre
- Assemblies on finance
- Individual work experience encouraged
- Emails from employers / Sheffield Futures / Apprenticeship providers shared with students
- HEPP partnership
- PWC careers session
- Barclays Life Skills sessions